diz was awesome
Never saw a better flash the animation was top notch and the flashing colours made it all the more pleasant to look at.
Over all a 10/10 ^w^b
Truncheon throws the most awesome anime party ever.
made by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockkmade by seedclockk
diz was awesome
Never saw a better flash the animation was top notch and the flashing colours made it all the more pleasant to look at.
Over all a 10/10 ^w^b
Enough said.
Boom Boom Boom Boom
I want you in my room <3
I saw my name in the bachground!!!!
that alone is worth a 5, 10, and fave!!!
and the awesome party only adds to the brilliance! Oh, if only I could give it a higher score than 10! =(
this downright frightened me, and it could use more content