Good Joke
Animation needed work ><
text also stayed for a bit too long
This is a project i made for school. It is dedicated to my Tech Teacher. He's awesome. He made a comic for the school. Then i took a look at it, and i brung it to Flash.
Mario is sleeping one day, when his wife, Princess Peach, has news for him.
I'd also like to point out that there will NOT be any sequel.
EDIT: Please submit to Mario Parodies please.
Good Joke
Animation needed work ><
text also stayed for a bit too long
This should be front page lol
Hmm... Err... well... ahh... uhh... um... oh fucking hell i missed a stitch oh what? no sorry i'm sewing err I don't think people will cast that bit as helpful err... it was hillarious make another with triplets or quads (princess peach is sexy oops be quiet don't tell anyone or i'll kill you honest)
it was funny
It was really good it just got a strange with the arm but i would love to see a part two
there will be no part 2 actually...unfortunately, it was based on my tech teacher's comic...
i thought it was funny!
i must be retarded to think its funny because some people hated it lol. trust me im no prick tho trust me. i might get bad mail but i said the truth this was really funny. i hope other people think it is to.mail me if you can cause i thought that was hilorous lol. im thinking if puting it in my favs =). good job 9/10
Needs much more...
This really could've been good. But it lacked quality in many places:
barely any sound,
needs backrounds (I suggest looking at Mario RPGs at Spriters resource),
and it was just too slow paced,
needs some casual music.
If you work on all of this I might just look foward to part 2.