Thanks for the movie its preety good. I wonder how u suppost to make a flash. Love the movie but it is ol, but cool
my first animation of sprite
enjoy =D
Itens on library:725
Thanks for the movie its preety good. I wonder how u suppost to make a flash. Love the movie but it is ol, but cool
cool but really its more of a shadow vs.mario
i am going to chec k out part 2
yeah i know its really more shadow vc mario
and go check it!
it's not all that bad
u just need to make it longer. try better animations and a better plot. but it pretty awesome.
wow thanks dude,theres the 2nd episode
go watch it ;)
woah dude.
the beginning is weird and unclear. what did this have to do with sonic vs shadow? work on making things clear.....
it's pretty old and precary this animation
and i know its weird
but you need see the 2 :D
good but short but you did a good job
thanks :D