good animation
great animation... but this probably isnt the right place for it....
I recently created this Flash music video for an old friend who just recorded a music album for kids. Fairly simple animation techniques, but I think it works pretty well for the song and genre. Feedback appreciated!
good animation
great animation... but this probably isnt the right place for it....
Thanks a lot. You think I need to blow some ducks up or something? I'll do it, if it will get my rating up! Not really. Don't want to frighten the children. But thanks for the 9!
Get yourself a lipsync chart :-)
I didn't mind this, and I don't mind simple animation, as long as everything moves effectively. In yours everything was a little lifeless, and a large part of it was due to the fact that you hadn't used "ease in" or "ease out" in your tweens and the fact that the singers lips didn't move in a fashion remotely related to the lyrics. Lipsync is actually really easy, find yourself a tutorial and you'll see what I mean. You only need 9 mouth shapes to get a perfect lipsync. Send me a private message if you want me to help you out with it.
Other than these technical things, the movie is good, little kids will like it and I'm sure your friend is very happy with it.
Thanks for the constructive criticism. I'll take you up on the lypsync resources. I kind of intentionally didn't bother with too much syncing, because I figured most people, and kids especially, wouldn't notice. In this forum, of course, people do. And, you're right, it would be better if properly synced. As for the easing of tweens, I was more concerned with getting things on and off the screen in time, but I guess that might help some, too. Thanks again.
I like it.
Its quite good. The only suggestion I would make is try to make the mouth just a little more closely with the words. Other than that, I like it.
nice little song and animation
Decent little flash. I like the song. Though his move could be a little better lip synced. but otherwise, good job!
I love the song, it's truly hilarious, animation really supported what was going on. This should be on the front page.