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XIL Shooter Demo

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Xyphrilli Infinite Legion (XIL) is a flash game which starts off with the XJU8000 Spacespeeder leaving Earth and heading toward the Xyphrilli Mothership, which is believed to be the source of the Xyphrilli Infinite Legion. Only being armed with a red cannon, the XJU8000 Spacespeeder has to go into the core of the mothership and take it down. Excellent graphics, nice sound, sorry I didn't put a pause button in the game...:( Please feel free to let me know how you feel about this game. I would really appreciate it. It took me about a year to complete the full version. I created all of the audio myself using FL Studio 7. Thanks Claflin University for helping me get in the right direction with my Flash Design career. This, hopefully, will turn out well for me. Hope you enjoy the game. I'm still getting this preloader business downpacked. Sorry for the inconvenience that I caused with the first submission. I'm still fairly new to flash, so please bear with me. :)

_Update_Nov 17, 2007_

I sped up frame rate a little because of the lagging and stopped the enemy bullets from flashing so that they would be easier to see. Also altered the way the small enemy explodes a little.

_Update_Dec 17, 2007_

I added a lifebar along with a nice design for the score and shield amounts. I also made the eyeshot enemy's move at a more random pace. Hope this helps...

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i like it but

them things u shoot at look like Space Pigeons :P wut r they

a little old school

enemy bullets are hard to see because they are flashing other than that and no pause button it wouldnt be bad

Why did you resubmited?

It's lame anyway... 9mb for a demo of an old space shooter. Man...


not the best Game

and why did you submittet it twice?


well... im posting in here again, plus some stuff i forgot to type before i submitted my review xD... how i wish we could edit our reviews... ^^:

hmm... well.. first of all... why is there two of these? ^^... the shooter demo.. and the VG demo... oh well... now.. to the "parts to improve on"...... well.. firstly.... you physical concepts need some adjustment..... movement smoothing + a slight "glide" effect would definitely help it from looking quite... newbie-ish... mainly cuz in space.. it takes more time for the inertia to stop and to change directions... meaning to say.. if i press the up button... and i let go of it... it'll still move up for a while... similar to gliding around in ice.. also... increase the framerate a little... its a game after all.... the game runs choppy and it plays like one of those old atari games.. xD... also... i like how the enemies can shoot.... tho more should be added... but i understand that would probably be added in the real version..... also.... only having a red cannon is kinda bland... perhaps an upgrade system?.... oh yeah.. speaking of which.... the current powerups.... need to have a limit... i had 200+ hp.... cuz theres no threshold to the hp i can have.... hehe... well... thats pretty much the main probs... other minor ones are like... upgrading the "death" animation of the big ships... rather than a "chopped to pieces" type ^^...... hmm.... the audio is fine.. the concept is old... but... all in all... could still make a playable game ^^..... take care then ^^... hope this helps =)

things i forgot to mention in the review for the other similar submission of urs:
perhaps some enemies with slight homing capability?... like a rocket which shoots in your direction.... err.. if u get what im saying ^^.... that could add more variety to the game... which would be very bland if it is as it is currently... ^^.... welll take care again ^^...

Credits & Info

2.30 / 5.00

Nov 14, 2007
1:00 PM EST