I like it
It was really nice how it turned into a bird. You kept to the main point, but maybe a different song? Something more dreamlike would have made it better. But it was still good even though it was stick figures.
I did this in an hour because I was bored, this one guy is tripping balls.
I like it
It was really nice how it turned into a bird. You kept to the main point, but maybe a different song? Something more dreamlike would have made it better. But it was still good even though it was stick figures.
that was bad...
umm... this was probably one of the shortest and most boring things i have ever seen...
crazy frog
love the crazy frog music. and for voting good can you teach me how to make a flash game or movie.plz plz plz pretty plz with maple syrup on it
You spelled "weird" wrong.
It was alright, kinda short and boring though.
It was okay but it was way to short.