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Special School- Episode 1

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This is my first Flash cartoon (and hopefully the first of many) - there was a lot of trial and error involved, and to be honest, a greater amount of the latter than the former. But I enjoyed it immensely.

As a bit of background, I've been drawing comics and doing general illustration since 1992, and publishing them since 1997. Its nice to make use of some of the advantages the moving image has over the static one.

Thanks ever to much to my sister Kerry and my friend Deacon who did extra voices for this, and also to my brother Mathew who provided much needed assistance over MSN.

So - I'm working on the next cartoon now, and Kev, Doug and Miss Lejzdenys will absolutely certainly appear again. I grew very fond of them over the few days putting this together.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy it!

Paul Stapleton


PS: Terry and June theme tune used with kind permission of the BBC. So long as I don't charge any money for viewing!

PPS: This uploaded version seems to have some synching issues with the longer sound samples; any ideas on how to get round this? Its probably something simple...

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Anything starting with the Terry & June theme tune has to be ont oa winner :)

That was brilliant stuff


Stapleton you rock my world!
*Still chuckling at F**ksack*


it was good for youur first. it was a little choppy though and one other thing was that somtimes whene they went talking there mouths moved.

Grebn responds:

Hi Nameofuser,

Thankyou ever so much for the review - I appreciate that.

Concerning the lipsynching, someone suggested to me that I streamed all the audio, which I've now done. Could you do me a big favour and sit though it again? It would be really handy to know if its made a difference.

Cheers again,


great first attempt

lips didn't match up to words sometimes but your art is great for your first flash, you could be great

Grebn responds:

Hi Wolly86,

Thankyou ever so much for the review - I appreciate that.

Concerning the lipsynching, someone suggested to me that I streamed all the audio, which I've now done. Could you do me a big favour and sit though it again? It would be really handy to know if its made a difference.

Cheers again,


Credits & Info

3.66 / 5.00

Nov 11, 2007
7:13 PM EST