little sam move it! funny lol how he dances! nice art work!
keep it up..
Sam is a character from my comics Sam, Sergio, and Luis he is weird! D:
Thank you guys for the swell comments and the good scores! Sorry that I was unable to put a Preloader on it (I made one after I made this vid and... I wasn't able to put this in one so) sry But yeh remix definatly :D
website will be soon is:
but right now is:
(sadly there's no content but there will be much in teh comin' weeks :) )
edit: Thank you all for the swell feedback! Lessermore there will definetly be a remix you guy's just look for it :) I have also made another movie go check out ma profile :D.
little sam move it! funny lol how he dances! nice art work!
keep it up..
Cute and alittle funny ..but i know it could be better!! but in all i really like what you did ..Im looking forward to a Remix!? :P:P
made me laugh out loud
i'm pretty sure this is something like a dream i had one time.....kool little thing
pretty good
the song is good but the animation isnt that good
Everything was random but hilarious. Sexy purple turtle, funny cane, weird dancing, all behind a breathtaking sketch of buttered toast. Nice job.