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Author Comments

This game is very hard. I don't really expect anyone to beat it and i recommend doing the training mode first to get a feel for it.

**There is NO audio so don't say that its not working.

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It needs some SERIOUS working on... Her arm just gets into the msot painful looking positions and angles, the treadmills are a ngihtmare to jump ff of, a lot of the platfrosm aren't properly made, the deaths are pathetic... I could quite seriously use up almost all 4000 characters just explaining what's wrong with it. Fix it, big time. Even the greatest song on earth wouldn't make this game worth playing. People would just turn it on and let it sit to hear the music.

fix the controls

way too often the girl would just not jump off the treadmill. And even in the first level with the centaur, damn, that single jump of the ledge was hard enough. No fun..


It's pretty much like all of those generic platformers that have been with us since god knows when. But I have to admit, it has potential. If you can improve on the character model, the backgrounds and the enemies (lol centaur) it'll get a higher score from me...

Do you have two right hands?

Do you have two left hands? And I don't mean some wordplay turning around not being very clumsy, I mean that you make us use the arrows and the mouse at the same time, which too much to the right for me. The graphics are of average quality, but what really decided that this was going to get a bad score was the treadmills, on ++ they're way too annoying... and due to them I haven't been able to see much of the game.

Weird game but....

It was a pretty good game that needed a little more work. Try for easier gameplay and you might have a good game.

Credits & Info

1.83 / 5.00

Nov 10, 2007
6:01 PM EST