you can cheat by darting to the sqare.
you can cheat by darting to the sqare.
too short
you can't of put much effort into this!
you only have 5 short levels and there's a load of ways to cheat
i'm not saying it's a bad game but it's not really anything new and you definatly need more levels next time!
check out some other mouse avoiders for level ideas if you can't think for any yourself
I just felt lazy about the cheating stuff because I don't care if you cheat, you're just spoiling your fun.
niec geem
i like the way u made the fps like what 200 makes it smooth thats the way mouse avoiders are supposed to be. 9/10 for the lack of levels
Five levels?
Too short. And you can cheat using the alt+ tab.
Not orginal, music isnt that good, and i'm sick of mouse avoiders.
fun :)
really nice, what's missing is only more lvs 'cause the game is great x]
(by the way the music also fits well)