Could do better
well... It was a good game but ill tell you how to make it better
make the beam sprites go further and make the blast sprites a bit better
While still unfinished, Space Shooter Ver 0.2 provides fixes for some of the problems the previous entry had.
1. The player's ship graphic has been fixed.
2. The power ups are now uneffected by the player's lasers.
3. Some enemies have recieved new graphics, eventually all enemies will also recieve new graphics.
4. There is now music, and incomplete sound.
5. The player's ship's lasers now shoot faster, and more effectively.
Fixing enemy explosion graphic, Finishing updating enemy graphics, Better main screen, Possibly more power ups, Possibly more levels, And more.
Thanks to everyone who had commented on my previous version of this game to help me improve it a little at a time. I'd also like comments on how I can still improve, so feel free to give advice and such as you feel fit.
Could do better
well... It was a good game but ill tell you how to make it better
make the beam sprites go further and make the blast sprites a bit better
fun but.....
its a fun game but it needs more too it i'm not sure what but it seems to get boring after a while put somthing in that will make a user hooked
It was alright..
I would make the explosions better.
A lot to be done
But definitely worth a protect, has somethin going for it.
Just keep adding stuff in, lil explosions when an enemy is hit, and it all feels a bit mechanical.
Good luck improving it, it really does have potential.