great job, love the art style.
Also, you're all full of shit.
great job, love the art style.
It was very predicitable and short, but it's not too bad.
The animation wasn't too bad either.
Plus, you understand trhat peopel like violence and cute things in one.
Keep it up, you should do fine eventually.
thanx. It was just practice after all. I've only been doin' this for a few days.
When I saw the arched eyebrows, I knew that an immediate gun death would soon follow. The pacing could use work. Too many intervals of absolutely nothing happening. If the gag is just going to be a cat being shot and burning, the cartoon should be accordingly short. Those gaps of nothing are what will deter a lot of people from wanting to finish a cartoon.
I completely agree with everything in this review. I'm just practicing so I can get on to something actually thought out but not have it look like shit. Also you're full of shit. Years later I'm still laughing at this.