this isn't too bad, nice game =]
well i added some knew things fixed the go button and made it's harder
please leave comments
this isn't too bad, nice game =]
Buged but fine but why pink?
Its ok
There is a bug that is really annoying the crap out of me. He will sometimes start at a random spot when ever I hit the go button, which is no where near the line I put down. It is a very creative game, and would be addicting if it wasn't messin up.
the problem is that your drawing though the character wich makes it dispear repear at dif spot
fun but kinda anoying
it was fun but you should probably make an tool where you can rub out just a small part of your line and a button so you can restart witout your track being completely deleted.
It was okay, but i found a bug: I was about to get to the exit, but then i got stuck in a part of the platforms, and i had to start over. But i liked that u put in walls.