you stol this!
Nice try theif! You did steal this.
Look at teh blue ballz! OMG TEH HOTNESH!
Edit: Look mother fuckers. Stop sending me the shit about stealing. Your the ones who steal. So fuck off. I hope you all burn in hell and your accounts get deleted. Why don't you all just stalk little girls because that is why you are here, you fucking pedofiles. I am so fucking sick of Newgrounds. Do you realize how much stolen shit is on Newgrounds? You think that you guys are better and you think you are at the top of the world, well, no you aren't. Everything on Newgrounds is a worthless peice of shit. This website never should have been brought up. Motherfuckers.
you stol this!
Nice try theif! You did steal this.
....................... Sucked
loooooopppppssss baaaaaaaaadddddddd
............You have injured my innocent brain.
Then again, I suppose it's MY fault for willingly WATCHING this. Congrats, you've earned another full zero! Enjoy it.
Looping gifs are for 4chan not NG. MAke a quality movie then lets talk...
I liked the part when the ball jumped over those pit things ;)