estaba bien i progresando cada capitulomas
ALfin...despues de un mes de retrazo aui esta el quinto episodio.
Coming soon I will translate this flash into English, because first I have to finish the complete serie in Spanish and next I will translate in English, Ok....
estaba bien i progresando cada capitulomas
jajaja creo que alguien ha estado practicando! hasta el momento esta es la mejor de todas... como veras las estoy viendo todas en orden.
lo de "presiona los botones" estuvo genial ¿como lo hiciste? yo siempre he querido hacer algo de ese tipo!
shanara99 Only one person said anything bad about this. But yeah nice work can't wait for the translation.
We are complaining because we can't fully enjoy the movie shanara99. How would you like it if Final Fantasy A+ had no subtitles?
Anyway... the flash looks good and I'll be looking forward to the translation.
Ok, ok... no esta MAL del todo, la verdad. Es demasiado corto, si, y podria estar bastante mejor. Si te currases una hoja de sprites modificados, podrian ayudarte mucho.
Ahora, y este comentario va para todos esos que se quejan del idioma....
WTF are you guys doing complaining about the language? Where does it says newgrounds is english only? for starters, it's a dot com. and, to my knowledge, com means COMercial, which is no basis to "english only". Also, if you read it, it says "Everything, by everyone". Everyone is also people talking spanish, korean, japanese, or Udaiajiri. I mean, seriously.... That's not castillian, so it sounds weird to me (as in really weird) but, still, you don't see me complaining... ALSO, I DON'T SEE YOU GUyS COMPLAINING about language in there she is, there she is 2, nightmare city, and some other korean animations. So... why do you complain here? Just 'cause spanish is more widely (territory wise) spoken than english, and, if you don't stop spanish animations, you'll have too many spanish ones, and you USAguys won't be able to understand them? Well... don't be silly, guys. That won't happen, and you know it. also, the guy said he was gonna translate it into english. probably he needs a translator or something. From what I'm reading, he's not quite the linguistic, anyway. So... cut him some slack, k?
gracias por defender el idioma...^-^