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BGE Revival 0.1

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That's a project to create a Flash game based on Ubisoft's "Beyond Good & Evil" - first a mere adventure point'n click, then to add action minigames if all goes well.

I'm very sorry but the project is still unfinished and should be put into the "Newgrounds Alpha" section - I even reduced its size to under 1 Mo by cuting sounds and graphics only for that. That is, IF "NG Alpha" wasn't actually seemingly down (is it abandonned ??) and unable to host content.

So, basically that will be an adventure minigame of just a few screens and without a proper intro (hopefully you already played BG&E to know the plot...) I put quite some work into it and I wanted to keep the BG&E community posted about the progress. But I DO promise to host the game here once it's more advanced... (note to admins : if you feel like deleting that submission, well... be my guest... But please make the NG Alpha section fonctionnal again...)

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Good Luck and all my support!

Je suppose que tu es français, ou du moins que tu le comprends ^^
En tout cas, même si la démo ne propose rien de très conséquent pour le moment, elle a le mérite de rendre hommage à l'un des meilleurs jeux existants (et injustement boudé par le grand public); rien que pour ça, et pour le fait que cela peut faire découvrir cette merveille a plus de gens, cette démo mérite toute l'attention et les encouragements qui lui sont dûs ^^
Et comme tu le dis si bien aux agents commerciaux d'Ubisoft, voir BGE en flash ne peut leur être que bénéfique...qui sait, peut être que finalement, la suite finira par se faire grace à un buzz de ce type?
Bonne chance à toi et à ce projet!

(english translation:
Even if this demo doesn't show anything spectacular right now, it did well to pay tribute to one of the best game ever created (and unfairly snubbed by the public); this, and the fact that it can make people learn about this wonderful game, suffices for that demo to deserve all the attention and the support we ca give ^^
And as you're saying it well to the Ubisoft's commercial agents, BGE in flash can only benefits them...who knows, maybe the sequel will eventually come from a buzz like that?
Good luck to you and this project!)

deRanzac responds:

For some reason I just discovered that I could respond to reviews ^_^. OK, in French then since the question was asked in French...

Voui, je suis français, et je suis aussi tombé amoureux de BG&E quand je l'ai découvert, il n'y a pas très longtemps de ça (sur PS2 soit dit en passant). Ca m'a donné une occasion de m'entraîner avec Flash et de perfectionner un moteur de jeu d'aventure point'n click que j'avais commencé à développer il y a quelques temps. En ce moment j'essaie d'ajouter un jeu de combat/plateforme en 2D pour les phases d'action. Souhaite moi bonne chance ! :-) Je mets à jour plus ou moins régulièrement l'état d'avancement du projet sur http://z6.invisionfree.com/BGE2_Revol ution (rubrique "Factory") au cas où tu serais vraiment intéressé...

I gave this submission a vote of "1"

Too Blurry, Make it sharper!
Unless that is how it's supposed to be?!

deRanzac responds:

Answers :
1) Working on that!
2) No it's not ;)

really blury

sorry but this game drove me nuts with it bluryness please update it and make graphics sharper

deRanzac responds:

done :) (OK, graphics are still not top-notch but they shouldn't give you a headache anymore)

waiting for more

Only two things: All the graphics look kinda fuzzy. They probably need to be sharper, or it will just be you leading the player by the nose with the clues. Also, in the conversation, let the player know somehow when they should click on the speakers text, or choose from their own dialouge. A highlighted box or anything really. I'll wait to comment overall 'till it's filled out more. Can't wait to see how you do the photography. Kee

deRanzac responds:

Yep, I'm working to improve the graphics (I updated the Flash file here already, the graphics should be better now). The photography is already coded by the way - but no, I don't intend to create a real photo album in-game... Hey. One can only do so much ;)

looks good

i have to admit i like the real BG&E a lot more, but this is a good game. ohw and you are using copyrighted materials btw. (the characters and the name)

deRanzac responds:

Yep, my point was not to do better (not even as good) as the original, but merely to create a buzz around the game so that they would produce a sequel. Uh... OK, I mostly did that as a training with Flash, but if we could get a BG&E2 during the process, that would be cool, wouldn't it ? ;-)

Credits & Info

1.50 / 5.00

Nov 2, 2007
10:09 AM EDT