Way too much lag. Try to fix that, oki doke?
This is my first game that i've ever scripted or made. Quite a simple one but it's part of the experience. Enjoy the game, and you better be good with a mouse bud.
check the highscores at: http://rankz.armorbot.com /astroidgamedodger/
Way too much lag. Try to fix that, oki doke?
it doesn't lag for me.
Yea like everyone else said, u need a laser or rockets. I found myself geting trapped in corners way to often, also my cursor disappears on the screen after u loose. The screen with submit and replay choices.
Cool, but.........
It seems like you put alot of work into it, It seems like a really cool game concept but maybe if you could put something like missles or lasers to shot the rocks like in the old school games then i would come back to play it.
maybe in a sequel.
This game was pretty good and it was very addicting but there needs to be some way to shoot the asteroids. MAKE A SEQUEL!
Very frustating game
On the pro side: Graphics are OK, music is acceptable.
On the contra side: Concept lacks any innovation. The screen gets crowded way too fast, it is frustrating when the game generally ends after a few seconds. No graphic or sound fx when you crash into an asteroid, some feedback would be nice. Also nice were a mouse pointer after game over, or is this guess-where-you-click a game in the game. Oh, and as I talked of feedback ... the score submit button needs some kind of feedback too. This would prevent the user (especially me) from clicking it a thousand times because due to the missing mouse pointer he doesn't know that he hit it. And you could also lock score submission after it was submitted once. Anyway, sorry for spamming your highscore list.