Enjoyed the vibe.
I really liked the vibe of this. The music was polished and both rhythm and melody were solid. A nice sorta midnight spanish bar vibe.
There wasn't any particularly great animation, but at the same time nothing let it down. You all knew what you were capable of and played it safe.
I found the 'plot' of the movie a bit confusing. Though I'd been told the plot when the collab first started, watching it was an odd experience. It took 3 watches to be able to read up to the 'responses(0) bit' and the last line of the movie, 'spoken' by you was unintelligible to me. It was a surprise, as I'm sure you intended it to be.
It's great to see the more active members coming together to make this. I'd have liked to be part of it and wish I hadn't had PC problems over the past 6 months but oh well.
I actually really liked how the style was fairly constant - apart from the author's names, no stylistic changes really screamed that a different author was taking charge.
I'm not sure if the movie would encourage me to review/request if I didn't already. I mean the movie itself is a little obscure and doesn't even explicitly explain the club. Thankfully you've added the spoken part that clearly says what it's all about and just getting the word out (even if it's only 420 views) is a good job. More clubs should have movies made.