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Nutz Crackerz

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Author Comments

Nutz Crackerz

This game took far too long to develop and I made the big mistake of stopping it for months (it always takes longer to return back to it). I had issues with what drop items to include. I wanted to avoid knives and guns falling from the tree, so I opted for a more surreal, monty python approach. The drop items (around 20) could have gone on forever, but I had to stop somewhere.

Hope you enjoy the game.


Use the LEFT and RIGHT cursor keys to catch the acorns. Watch out for the bonus acorns.

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mmm. squirrels...


it was nice yeah good idea I'm giving it a 8

Realy good...

I liked it. Great for losing time! :D

pretty good

not one of those kindof games i enjoy but this was pretty well made so keep it up though

Good concept

The idea behind this game is pretty good in the fact that it is simple, yet unique. I felt that the gameplay got repetitive too quickly, however. If you could add some sort of RPG element that'd be nice. If that's too common for you, maybe you could make some sort of small plot change to where you have to store nuts for the winter and then move on to the next stage if you pass. Just some ideas. Anyway, this is a pretty decent piece of work; keep at it.

Credits & Info

2.13 / 5.00

Oct 27, 2007
3:44 PM EDT