Hey very good
The red lines kept changing so I really liked this one. Music was good for this kind of flash and the speakers were a good idea. Then I guess it loops with the blue part...
Its fbf its not much, but it does follow the music nicely
Hey very good
The red lines kept changing so I really liked this one. Music was good for this kind of flash and the speakers were a good idea. Then I guess it loops with the blue part...
I like the tune!! Very catchy!!!
oh yea
I liked the music and it did follow it...maybe to make it better you can add more animations..etc.
But still good job
nice music
wheres the music from? send the link? is it like a NG one?
just look in the information in the left side you will see the music
the line could've stopped sooner
At the beginning I was just like "This is tight!' But then the line started coming
Other than watching the blue line for like 2 minutes it was a preety entertaining flash and you are right it does go well with the music.