A little work and this will be great
You've got a good concept here, but the submission needs work. I know a lot of people just make something and then say to hell with it when they finish and submit, but you've really got potential here. I hope you'll reinvest time in it. Some things you can do to really help -- add a gloomy music track through at least the first half (until she gets to the forest, perhaps), then switch it over to something a little more forest-like; add sound effects for all events (you had them for doors closing, but not for the cage hitting the ground); clean up the animation a little bit (the human girl was walking, but the elf girl hobbled out of the cave like she was someone in the first season of south park before they could animate legs movements); and consider maybe putting a status bar on the top or bottom of the screen to signify what all the +1s mean (it would also give more weight to the idea of being controlled by numbers). Do these things, you've got frontpage gold, man.