hold on to your dicks
rich boi selin creck fuck nigaz wan jack shit tight no slayck just bought a cay-dil-lick throw some d's on that bitch
... well, for a month at least
the final ten episodes of season 4 will be released in late november. daily day has been moved from october 30th to november 30th to give people ample time to prepare. it will also allow us to put much more work into dailytoon 400.
the final ten episodes will be a week long countdown to daily day, with "best of" and "worst of" flashes, classic dailytoons, the annual cat dailytoon and finally culminating with daily day 4 and dailytoon 400. if you want to help out, start making some kickass daily day flashes... or ask me about helping with DT400 if you're skilled enough to handle it, we need all the help we can get.
hold on to your dicks
rich boi selin creck fuck nigaz wan jack shit tight no slayck just bought a cay-dil-lick throw some d's on that bitch
Thank goodness.
See ya in a month.
The animation here was alright. Let's see all the fuss on the 400th flash.
mmm can't wait
who was in my room last night who the hell was in my bed
that's just a preview of my aWeSoMe DaIlY DaY fLaSh CaRtOoN
That sucks ={
aw, leaving again? I hope you people come back! I love these.
I've always wanted to give you guys something, so I'll try too ^^
(Warning: It's gonna suck because I suck)
its only a month