Try Agian
The animation moves far too slow, a baseball being hit would travel much faster, and in all honesty, there was nothing that made me go WOW! Try again, practice with animations, this will give it a more real feeling to it.
Poject used simple tweens, and minimal actionscript.
Just a quick project to see whether I can manage to get noticed on Newgrounds.
Try Agian
The animation moves far too slow, a baseball being hit would travel much faster, and in all honesty, there was nothing that made me go WOW! Try again, practice with animations, this will give it a more real feeling to it.
Sorry but I found nothing special in that piece. For starters the animation was subpar because the characters were just a little above stick figures in design. The sound didn't fit at all the overall presentation and only made it more trivial to the viewer.
Getting Noticed for all the wrong reasons.
You said: "Poject used simple tweens, and minimal actionscript.
Just a quick project to see whether I can manage to get noticed on Newgrounds"
The Problems:
"...simple tweens...minimal actionscript..." - You need to take some tutorials to leanr how to tween properly (please dont use shape tweens anymore!) and to learn actionscript. Not that you needed AS in this movie but it would have looked far better with a preloader, or a menu etc.
"too see if i can get noticed on Newgrounds..." - With that? The only way you are going to get noticed on Newgrounds is by making something great and original. Your half way there with original but maybe this about the plot a bit more. Find a subject people want to see. Unfortunalty this is usually porn or violence!
If you REALLY want to get noticed, Joing the BBS and make new friends, you will meet people that can help you and will want to help you.
Search for flash tutorials NOW and enjoy learning by having fun
Good Luck
Ed George