Very nice!
Great colours and the music complements it really well!
to all of those who often wonder what i see inside the bottle.
yes, as always- short, but i hope you enjoy it. (its my first attempt to do something frame by frame :P
Very nice!
Great colours and the music complements it really well!
Wow...a whole random world in a bottle
that's some imagination you've got there? It's a bit short though but I can see possibilities in this flash. You might just have a creative novel you can write about a world in a bottle, it can end when someone drinks the bottle and the world inside of the bottle can be destroyed or something...
It was totally cool how things were animated. I hope you pass judgement.
AWESOME! Not what you may call uber cool but GREAT probably what anyone would say but too short
PS you must be way drunk when you looked in that bottle :D and why the title?
heheh thanks 4 the review, the title... i have to admit, im terrible naming things so... i decided that it was eather that title or " epilepsy"... i know... lets forget about the title :P
ty anyways!
Good effort but lack of inspiration
What you've attempted here had excellent beginnings and you can see the hard work you've put in, but it feels a little old and lacking thorough inspiration. The ending music fade-out was a little shoddy, too, but with work I genuinely look forward to what you have to offer in the future. Good job.