I liked it
I liked the concept, but if you improve more the work in the animation would rock !!!
This is just a movie for one of my friend. He told me to make a movie for him and sense it is his Birthday so i cant really refuse XD So there you go, Vlad! I wish you a happy Birthday !;p
I liked it
I liked the concept, but if you improve more the work in the animation would rock !!!
Great animation! It was really well done. However there were quite a few spelling errors in the words bubbles. I couldn't help but notice, I'm a slight perfectionist. But otherwise it was really entertaining. =D
googd flash
i liked the way they did the animation. it flowed really well, The only thing that I have to say is that if the sound of the voices was recorded by the author then maybe they should try with the people actually speaking. Im not saying it was bad though.
Happy B-Day
Happy B-day Vlad lol real funny i'm the same way