It makes no sense but its okay for a first flash.
I had to make this for a DT project of mine, so the voices are kinda sketchy because they were my friends doing them. I got 100% for it, top mark!! :D The rest of the people in my group did claymation and got a worse mark. lolzz
Anyway if this doesn't get blammed then i'll make some more. I was planning to finish it off with 4 parts altogether. Last thing, this is my first REAL attempt at a flash, like i've done a couple craptastic ones which I wasn't thinking about anything, so please, be gentle.
So, enjoy.... Or try to...
It makes no sense but its okay for a first flash.
haha nice
sooo FUNNY
loved the end lol
it was kinda cool need more real animation of the characters, end wa senjoyable lol
Funny! Im voting 5!
Still needs work on it! But if not Blammed I'd love to see more!
Pretty good!
You should probably credit your music, though.