very well done was this!!!
Chris Broughton
Bryan Everson
Kyle Turley
Randy Handrinos
and Eric Hrit
Thanks to Southwest-Statistic, sonny7863, the bands Lorenzo and Start Trouble, and finally the Rocky Theme is in there too!
Started: August 2007
Finished: October 18th, 2007
Number of Frames: 10,282
Other Programs Used: Acid Pro 4.0 by Sonic Foundry.
Just about two years later, I have started production on a brand new series titled, "Addicts". My last attempt at a series was called "Channel 13", which debuted in September 2005 was pretty much a flop. I only made one episode and decided in the end I didn't want to keep it going. However the year now is 2007, and right around the same time of the year Addicts will be born.
The series is based off my life and friends that I have bonded with the past two years of being away. Set in the great state of Michigan, four friends who love to party get together on crazy true life experiences. Where it is partying until dawn or shooting the shit, this series is sure to have some flavor.
You got me (CB), the 23 year old who is the oldest and most mature one of the group who still loves to have fun and party, but still is trying to find how he is supposed to be a good responsible adult. Then there is The Bev. Bev is the 20 year old college boy who loves the game 'Beer Pong'. Mainly the more emotional character of the group. Then there is CB's Cousin KT. Real name Kyle Turley, but who is known as the 'Pretty boy' party animal. Drinks a lot of beer, plays a lot of Beer Pong, and always trying to look impressive. Last but not least, there is Randy. Mr. Handrinos is the hardcore, adrenaline junkie, and tough ass motherfucker of everyone. He will always try to out drink, outsmart, and be the cockiest asshole around.
With all these characters and more to come, every story told is true. Maybe bent the truth a little bit for more of a 'spice', but the facts are there.
Took me forever, with all the other stuff in my life going on right now...but FINALLY a step closer to making this creation come to life.
All of our friends especially the cast
very well done was this!!!
Animation was good on this
first of all bad animation
actually redraw your characters ......
and seriosly... this was a bad idea
I'm underage and a potential addict (curse my genes!) so I'm not really into beer. This was pretty funny though, what with the snoring guy sleeping through a bottle to the head but waking up at the sound of a can being opened. I also liked the Rocky theme. Nice touch.
Beer is an acquired taste my friend. The next episode will be even better and more in depth with the characters. So if you enjoyed it, stay tuned! Thanks!
not bad
it looks like later versions could be good. the graphics need an upgrade though