I won
Well, I thought i should do something in my spare time, this took 3 days to finish. There are still constant updates on the game as the day past by and by what the reviews say.
Portal Hunt Item!
Congrats on finding the 6th Flash/Audio on the hunt of 15.
Q. How many days did this take to make?
Clue to next Flash: -404- Page not Found
I won
This game dont have pause in the shoots but that is not bad the lvl 2 is too fast
and needs animation when a ANGRYFAIC is destroyed because dissapear
needs work
a LOT of work, nice idea, though, a space invaders based game, but it needs more work, like maybe the angry faices should fire the bombs down, instead of just having them go willy nilly?
thes guys mov 2 fast on lvl 2 for a lvl 2. More lives could also help
i luyvs it sofisticated and simple