Unlike most forms of completly random entertainment this was pretty entertaining though. Great stuff, keep it up!
practicing my superimposition skillage
Unlike most forms of completly random entertainment this was pretty entertaining though. Great stuff, keep it up!
I'm confused
If this was just practice, then why submit it to the Portal? I understand your need to show it to the world, but you need to actually make a movie.
Pretty decent work on it otherwise.
Har! Har!
For a practice Flash, this is pretty "good". It's not "Ah mah gahd, you should totally invest in it to make it a big screen film" good. Just "Whoa, you were able to practice something and make some humor out of it" good. Which is pretty good under my terms. I bet you're wondering right now why I'm writing a review for this. I am too.
I'm adding this to my favorites because I thought it was hilarious. In a random sort of way.