word of advice
if all you know is third grade english and what you've learned from the internet, you should not be coming to this website. go to some .dk website, dane. fuckin butter cookie. you and paddy and the rest of scandinavia need to get the fuck off of newgrounds. this site is for native english speakers only, not damn vikings.
by the way the flash sucked tremendously. here's some helpful shit: draw more than one kiwi instead of copying the same symbol over and over. don't trace the kiwi, copy it from a reference image or design it on your own. have them animated in some way shape or form, instead of tweening them across the screen. make it longer than 5 seconds. and most importantly, disband your terrible crew. thats the most helpful piece of advice i could possibly offer.
all of these big english words must be terribly confusing for a danish born speaker so ill stop talking and hopefully you'll stop submitting