Well, if this is your first flash, its not bad...
Wow, uh, maybe I should start with the good points. The flash over all looked pretty good. It was sharp, colorful, and the backgrounds were pretty decent, despite being EXTREMELY basic...Uh, thats pretty much all I got positive wise.
The negative stuff: I gotta be honest, though it seemed like you were TRYING to be funny, it wasn't. (No offense I hope.)The naration was tidious, the charecters didn't move at all, and the whole entire theme seemed stupid from the beginning.. (Maybe that was what you were going for, to make it funnier.) However, despite this, all of that could have been forgiven if the plot was more complex. If it was longer and had a few more jokes (funnier mind you.) this could've saved this flash. (I noticed it said part 1. Whats the point in seeing part two if the first one was bad and two seconds?) Trust me, good plots have been known to save many a flash. Also, adding some background music would've help get the viewers attention as well.
Thats pretty much all I got to say, I'm sorry I sorta had to chew you outta little. I just one to say again, for your first flash, this wasn't too bad. Just put a little more effort in the next one. I look in reviewing your next one. (Hopefully.) :P