was this your first vid it had good animation but
in what sense made you want to make it
think then get back to me
EDIT: Changed the name from Video Game Movie to VGM
please submit to Video Game Parodies
=Maxaroni5 makes a crappy video game parody=
Okay guys listen, this is not for graphics. It's just a crappy video game parody movie. also, there is and= easter egg in the halo part. This movie is what happens when you talk to your friends untill 5 in the morning and decide to record your voice then animate it. Simply put, I think this is funny, but really you should only watch this if you're high or something. VOTE 5!!!!!
the games parodied are:
Tony Hawk
Dead Rising
Super Monkey Ball
Medal of Honor
Jak and Daxter
....and the easter egg
was this your first vid it had good animation but
in what sense made you want to make it
think then get back to me
spyro is goodbut why not crash
crash should be good if spyro is in it
eh. i grew up with spyro, so i know more reasons to make fun of it.
Hee hee hee! HA! beat you!
Dude, like don't dis spyro or halo ok! :) or really! Don't Dis Spyro!
He had lived on for 10 years! and will never die! his flame will never die!!
That was so funny!LOL! Good work!
go to the next one then: NFIN-VGM-2-83469108
Don't make fun of spyro! and why do you ALWAYS answer "hee hee hee" to almost all of the comments?
hee hee hee