? no thanks
Man, this is just music and something green! make something useful, or funny
don't do things just to have what to submit, do something good for your own and then u think on submiting it.
more gay shitty shit ahoy
? no thanks
Man, this is just music and something green! make something useful, or funny
don't do things just to have what to submit, do something good for your own and then u think on submiting it.
Try animating the character
There was no animation involved expect the backgrounds. Maybe actual animate the character.
Did the clam start talking to anyone else?
It looked interesting... at first. But a screaming clam is only so funny for so long. Music was alright, but that's about it. Art was ok, what little there was.
That was smooth and had good music.
(Now you can't delete this you mods,HA)