agh DX
for some reason i keep pressing that replay button DX
its just so damn catchy, the music and everything...
Animated in less than a day, I just felt like making something short, so I looked over STWPT, and found this! Apparently nobody's animated it before, so... enjoy! =)
(Music by Songs To Wear Pants To)
Check out for more flash!
agh DX
for some reason i keep pressing that replay button DX
its just so damn catchy, the music and everything...
It wasn't bad, don't get me wrong, but the flash was just hard to look at... not too great.
First of all...
...The Movie=not that great but not bad either.
Second,Spacewalk DIDNT rip this off or vice-versa they just used the same song!
The flashes are both completeley diffrent(exept in concept obviously).
ThunderCS And Spacewalk each have there own unique styles of animation and though the concept was the the same,the way each artist had there own vision of how the song should be animated into a movie form allright?
Dear god most of the Newgrounds population instantly just shout RIPOFF without thinking and while they mean well they usually just end up looking stupid amirite?
Oh btw all you fags rate this comment useless,i dont give a danm but at least i THINK,you know with my BRAIN beFORE i post a retarded misspeeled messe@ge t@ht is worng and stuipd!T3h d1ffr3nc3?MYYYYYY misspeeling @nd stup1d1ty w@s intensinal LOL
(y3@h f*ck1ng r1ght s@y m05t 0f my f3110w N3wf@g3 ^____^ y0u g3t @ c00k13 1f y0u und3rst@nd th1s!!!).
he made it first!!! its not a rip off!!
Credit for the original
Spacewalk was the one who ripped off yours.
and Tyler awsome job