The Art Sucks
And you cant draw.
UPDATE!! Because of the HUGE lagg i highly suggest you watch the video here! tch?v=O4LaDK5z2DQ
Hey i enjoyed the scene from evil aliens!! seeing as the halloween competion is on i really wanted to do a submision.. i didnt want to do another halloweeny one that most people do.. so i thought id do this one...!! i put lots of effort into it! and i hope you enjoy it.
The Art Sucks
And you cant draw.
Even though I didn't see the movie yet, I'm hooked on the song when he's killing the aliens.
I'll try to find and pick up the movie tommorrow.
glad you liked it.. its quite hard to find.. and its usually a love hate movie heheh.. anyways this was a really good seen in it
best I've seen today
Graphics:Well you've drawn some nice graphics except in the beginning those didn't looked to well but further it was a nice piece work..
Style:Well it was quite oppostite what I expected to begin with.I really though the aliens would get the human instead of the opposite thing.Nice work;p
Sound:Well I don't know if it was supposed to be scary of funny but atleast the sound ya choice made it sound funny .If not than you had to choice a sound that's more creepy..
Violence:Nothing I can say about it only that the HUMANS kick ass
Interactivity:It was so so I think.The humans made it look more realistic but the aliens weren't so realistic like the human..
Humor:It was really good made and it had even the 'thing' who made it that good so I would say it's really nice to see and never becomes dull right away.Keep it up!
PS:Happy halloween
thanks... oh its suppost to be funny... isnt that obvious halloween comp says scary or funny animation! and yes me and my mates were laughing at the aliens in the actual film thats exactly what the look like and it isnt too advanced.. oh and the graphics got cheap mainly because i skipped the begining then finished the begining as quickly as possible at like 2:00am
anyways thanks for the review
right ive had a look taken a piss so here we go
it was more funny than scary, (i guess that was the aim though, yet the action became a little samey after a while, plus what happens to the one eyes guy and the lass?
good work with filters though! but i would have liked to see some varied action
its suppost to be funny?? :S
liked it :),
about the previous review, I wouldn't use the brush tool, just use the square tool and reshape it as you like, works waaay better for me ;)
ok thanks.. i still dont get your comment.. why would i want to use a square to make a circle lol? wtf??