eminem is gay lol
Happy b day lasse :) ~ Enter the world of.....
Sry for being a little late with this :)
eminem is gay lol
wat the..
wow what in gods name gave u that idea? and that it would even get a high score anyway? seriously man wat the crap.
Did you realize...
...that you submitted this on *my* birthday?
And the flash was... weird, I guess. I think I just don't get something about it. Needs a higher framerate though.
Just no man
just no
lol ha ha ha
wait...what's the point?
I gave it one point just because of the humor...
you can do way better and you can do something with a main subject, there was no main idea, except a cool world.
The thing that is bad is that it says out of nowhere "happy B-Day Lasse" in the movie name, in the movie itself and in the Author Comments, which has no point at all!
Why naming a flash movie "Happy B-Day Lasse" or even making it when you can say it to Lasse instead of knowing NG people will vote zero and blam that flash who no one cares about except you and your friends. NG flash movies are not the occasions to put personnal stuff in them like trip news and wishing happy birthday. NG is a way of entertaining, a way of being known and heard, it's not a site where you talk about personnal stuff in flash animations. If you wanted to make falsh on personnal stuff, create a website of your own with any company out there that you might know about, but do not submit stuff like this again, it's just pointless.
Why not simply make the animation, show it to Lasse, but not publish it on NG?
Sorry if it hurt you in any way,
The idea was making some very unique... AND LAME!... lmao...
He knew it was my strange gift, and the thing about newgrounds was just an easy way to show it ^^. And maybe to share the idea about WoDD ? It is in stores in 2050...
Ofc. i can do better than that. I made it pretty fast ^^
I'll maybe come back with something better some day :)
And it didnt hurt me on any ways ^^