Hey Uni it's Bandit!
Great work and I'm looking forward to part 2!
Hello UNiCOMICS here to give you a UNiCOMICS PRODUCTIONS and Lifepoint1 Entertainment, KAZAHANA: Heavens Gate, a metal gear solid inspired digital comic so I hope you like it.
Nobu Kazahana finds a sturcture called Heavens Gate and uses it to hide from the battle but little does he know that the Elders thinks it is a threat, so it must be destroyed at all costs.
Story/animation by: Unicomics
Story edited by: Taige, Max Mao
Special thanks to all the VAs:
Cliff Woerner
Kazahana Elders
Hey Uni it's Bandit!
Great work and I'm looking forward to part 2!
The style above all is amazing. Some very unique images help stand this flash apart from so many others. Like has been said previously, the speed of the intro words needs to be slowed down a little. Other than that the voice acting and animation were great. I can't wait for the next chapter.
Jus speed up the comic... ><
Other than that, it was really good, it just is akward when the guy starts saying a sentence, then you have to wait 10sec to just here the other half of it. Really well done, and if you fix the pacing of it, it'll be a good series in my eyes.
good but....
its a little slow moving. except for the prolog, that moved to fast for me to read. other than that its interesting. nicely done.
I was thinking when it started that you should try and animate this.... but as I got into it, I changed my mind. It's great the way it is. The story's captivating and the manner it's told is great.