not bad
thats not bad but you need to add sound
and please don't say this is your first because we all
know that none is that god to animate first time:P
ok this is the improved vid of "The Quest" again this is my first animation and all feed back good and bad is very helpful. this animation does not hav sound no matter what i tried it wouldnt import so yes it might be boring to some. but for those who could help me with that great
so enjoy!
thank u to all the people that give great reviews. to the others who think this isnt my first animation....... well i guess i cant prov to u that it is my first so all can say is THIS REALLY IS MY FIRST ANIMATION IVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE SO YEA! idk if that worked or not but who cares anyway
not bad
thats not bad but you need to add sound
and please don't say this is your first because we all
know that none is that god to animate first time:P
Good Flash
I cant belive this is your first flash. Totally awesome animations. Shame there is no sound tho, but in the end a good flash
it would be better whit some sounds
for your FIRST animation is this awesome.. but i dont think its your first. and there were no sound effects or music and music is realy important thing in a movie.. so..
Sorta good
sorta good..... smooth animation... about the importing thing if your using windows vista or flash 8 and up then it wpont let u import any MP3 u download off the web b/c it's either not liscense'sed or the file had some kind of error
Sound and color buddy, sound and color.