Secret Level?
Coming Soon... Lol
I will be waiting fort it... 5/5 and 10/10
Music Is Lilopop?
Um If You Want It Type It On Gooooooogle
here you go http://www.storageserve
P.S Look At Top Of Comment
Secret Level?
Coming Soon... Lol
I will be waiting fort it... 5/5 and 10/10
your quizes are funny as hell man, 10/10 5/5 make as many as you can! :)
Woo! Thanks
great quiz!
your quiz are good, as good as splaap-me-doo!
I don't think they're that good yet
Just plain stupid, but I can help on the mute button, put this on it:
on(release) {stopAllSounds();}
ideas for next one,
mute button,
and dont go crazy with the buttons.... even though you will =)
Checkpoint: checkpoints are for the weak and mentally challenged
Mute Button: dont know how
Button: buttons rock