this sucks its just a lame version of the immposible quiz
Hey, i hope you like my game/quiz, it may not be too flashy or shiny, but i still think that you will enjoy its quirkiness (is that even a word) And if you everyfind it too hard, you can just sit back and enjoy the llama song. I made this game just this morning, and if am thinking about making a "maxi version" with more questions and better graphics. If you liked the game, hated the game, want help for the game or anything just send me an email at flyingspacebar@hotmail.co m . Anyway have fun at the quiz.
I would just like to tell you that this is the first thing i have done in flash, but don't think i'm trying to make a excuse for the limited amount of questions and graphics.
this sucks its just a lame version of the immposible quiz
Not bad
The stupid music gave me a headache and the question with the ninja made no sense and the graphics Sucked!.... But other than that....umm....nevermind.
hehe i like your style. you're hired ( oh wait i dont have a company, oops)
lol i won
only thing i can say is give us a damn mute button >:( lol
this is great!!! it's very ingenius!!