That does it
You simply must do a full length one, OR ELSE!
This is based on an old charater created by trajillo. I wanted to 'modernise' the character and create a another movie about him so heres the trailer.
The trailer in no way reflects the end quality of the movie as i put it together as a test.
Also check out the other Juan cortez episodes by searching author: trajillo
PLEASE LEAVE ALOT OF FEED BACK! Either PM me or comment on ways to improve the movie. All feedback is welcomed.
That does it
You simply must do a full length one, OR ELSE!
omg that was funny in a very lame way. lol i loved it juan cortez goes on a killing spree cause of an insignificant price increase in his favourate product, weed
Looks pretty good.
It looks like an alright movie, although I haven't watched the others so I don't know any of the characters.
I understand that this in no way reflects the quality of the end movie... which is good. Because the graphics in this trailer didn't really seem to do the animation and ideas justice.
But, I'll have a look at the others before actually rating it.
Needs better graphics, sound was pretty good, and the idea was awsome ^^ ADD MORE WEED!!!!!!! lol
Looked Pretty Good...
The way it looks now... it does have potential to become a popular series on Newgrounds. My only negative comments would have to be that the guards look like gang members that want to be soldiers or soldiers that want to be gang members. Plus, the trailer gives no indication as to a storyline-- just that it involves a weed factory. However, I am looking forward to the final product.