jerry is bettraer
this cart220n suka
Jerry Jackson Spoof:
hellll0 3veryonez!11 jerry jackson h3re agen. we jus gets togef3r to have a film fesevall!11!1 it wuz crazy!!!! rate 5 lololol jerry jackzon producsions!
: i luv jerry and want to have his baby some day.
jerry is bettraer
this cart220n suka
... no. Just no.
Sorry, but there's a lot more to emulating Jerry Jackson than a rambling script, a bunch of non-sequiturs and cackhanded animation. You've not captured him at all; where the original Jerry Jackson cartoons give their subjects a cursory treatment before digressing wildly like a hyperactive ten-year-old, this cartoon has but one idea and runs with it for far too long.
Overlong, ill-conceived and missing several jokes and ultimately the point. Try to find your own voice for your next cartoon; parodies aren't your strong point, I'm afraid.
all your jerry jackson films are sweet
I got some chuckles outta this, but Jerry Jackson's good and the ending was too gross and random.
Jerry Jackson is a genius! and u wee'd all over his work with this! ending was funny but the accents and stuff were rubbish and it wasn't as random as Jerry Jackson's real work! but i'm not sure how jerry would see this (good or bad) so..