It is nice to see a psychology test on Newgrounds, instead of something completely stupid or metal gear solid related. I got 50 (THE FIRST TIME)
Psychology Quiz. hurray.
if you post a review, include your score! or just post your score..
edit: Someone wrote about a bug, I fixed it.
It is nice to see a psychology test on Newgrounds, instead of something completely stupid or metal gear solid related. I got 50 (THE FIRST TIME)
i got 1 :-)
Embarassed to say a 30... and I took a psych class my first year of uni too! For the record, knowing Freud's dog has nothing to do with psychology :P
Nice to see academics on Newgrounds
Didnt work.
It didn't run. It loaded and was just a gradient. I selected play and it made tons of noise at me, sped through all the questions and gave me a 0. I'm sure otherwise it would have been kinda cool, but maybe there's some kinda bug in the scripting.
my head hurts
that game made me think too hard! :) score 90