even when the character goes to left or right it appears an arrow
is not in english
please do a remake of this
The craphics is made by me. As you probably can see, I have hadBIG troubles on making the "player" from the sides. So there will it only be a "arrow" when walking right for example...
The game is in swedish. Sorry.
"Space" to interact.
Go to the cell to the right of your. Pick up the money. (With space)
Head for the right to the bathroom. Talk to that guy. Buy a joint... "Jag vill köpa en joint av dig"
Give the joint to the guy. "Här... du får den här jointen"
Then you get a mission to give a note to Niklas.
Press "Klicka här för att återgå till spelet" to return to gameplay,
Head down.
Head left. Until you reach a cell with a guy.
Talk to him.
Ask his name "Vad heter du?"
Then give the note to him. "Christian bad mig ge denna lapp till dig..."
And you get the kitchen keys.
Head right to dining room. Go inside to the kitchen.
Pick up microfood. Put it inside the microwaveowen to make it eatable.
Give the food to the guy in the window.
That's it. Not much. But feels good for me that i proven I can make something nice if I realy try. :)
Edit: Have read the rewievs on this game. After reading everything. I'm thinking of maybe continuing with this game. Translate it to english. About characters dissapering, that's a mystery I don't understand. But i'l try look in to it. And try to finnish the game, will have big problems with the character walking sideways... If someone would feel for helping me. :)
even when the character goes to left or right it appears an arrow
is not in english
please do a remake of this
im sorry but i dont speak retard.
there is an english gag in the game...
the only english thing that a character says in that game is "I'm da boogyman muahaha" lol
Swedish...? Lack of effort.
Thats what I get from you when I see that. The game itself isnt all to bad, but you really have no real idea what to do or how to do it. And know I dont count the comments as part of the game. You want to tell us something then tell it in the game. The swedish was absoluteley a pain to half understand, and I just wasnt willing to go into what they said. Is it really that hard to find a translator? Not only that, but some sort of story would really add to this game. You start off in a cell, but you have no idea why your there.. Meh good game, but with language just average.
The arrow definetly made the game look bad and the Sweedish made th game impossible to play.