Short and sweet tutorial to teach us some action script. It could use brighter colors. Having more examples could be helpful.
This was made on 10/1/07, and I am only the thirteenth person to review it.
A nice and small tutorial that teaches you how to make a star field that MOVES and Repeats flawlessly!
It took my about 5 min to make the action script and about 1 hour to make the tut :3
But, please rate/review it.
also, if you use this, please credit me
EDIT: Thanks for the kind reviews and green score!! :-)
Short and sweet tutorial to teach us some action script. It could use brighter colors. Having more examples could be helpful.
This was made on 10/1/07, and I am only the thirteenth person to review it.
Another Nice Tutorial
A nice star motion creation of stars tutorials some nice idea here and the music on this was cool, no major changes on this other then making the view screen could be larger, A decent tutorial not that much use flash they are still usefull for people who still run the old flash programs, but I have to say you have some nice tips and little "TRICKS" of the trade, But these are still nifty I remember using some of these tuts back in the day.
no major changes on this other then making the view screen could be larger
Pretty Cool
Pretty short tut. but i learned somethin new. so that was nice
meh... was pretty good advice, but i would have liked to see more examples...and it was kind of boring to just look at the text...still pretty good though
Stars... Mmmmh...
I don't think I need that, but the stars were nice and pretty :)
Kinda kewl too ^^