You missed a few points
That wasn't a bad tutorial, but it wasn't fantasic either. Unfortunatly, it doesn't cover all the steps. For example, how would a flash "noob" know how to convert the circle into a symbol and button? You just got to the menu like magic. Yes, maybe you can do this with ease, but sometimes you need explain it as if the user had just installed Flash. Otherwise they'll get confused and unhappy.
The next thing you need to do is include real screenshots. Just a drawn version of what it looks like isn't really best. When the real UI looks different to your drawings, people might think they're in the wrong place.
Also, in your movie, could you put some music that isn't so large in filesize? Tutorials don't really need music, but it's fine if it's not invasive.
Can you make clicking the music button toggle the music on and off instead of needing to hold the button down? Also please prevent the music overlapping itself when interacting with the on switch.
Also, how about teaching us how to stop music if it's playing? I think it would be easy to put in some action script like on(release) stopallsounds;() equiped to the button to do so, but I'm not sure myself.
Like I said, not bad, but needs some work to achieve full potential.