reminds me of Invader zom somehow. I recomend you set the audio to stream so the lipsink gest easier to make.
Animation, Idea and Scritp: Maciek Po%u0142czynski - me
Voice: My brother
Sounds: flashkit.com ; sounddogs.com
time: 5 h.
reminds me of Invader zom somehow. I recomend you set the audio to stream so the lipsink gest easier to make.
Pure crap
I can barely hear it unless I turn my speaker volume way up. Yeah, I have a dinosaur computer with old speakers. But I can hear many other movies just fine. In order to hear this, I had to turn the volume up to a point where it normally would've blasted my ears out.
Aside for the crappy sound, the movie itself is pretty crappy. No the graphics aren't that bad, but the premise is stupid. I expected something to happen after he cut the tree down but nothing did.
i fived it!
Needs to be
A whole lot longer. It was like 15 seconds.
Maybe... But no idea for longer