wow, this is pure nostalgia from when there were videos made with movie maker on YT, how he misses those times!!!
This is the 2nd episode of newgrounds fan mail. It would have been up days ago, but my mom erased the file by mistake. Enjoy newgrounds. The 3rd one is coming the 1st week of october.
wow, this is pure nostalgia from when there were videos made with movie maker on YT, how he misses those times!!!
This feels like an old youtube video
you pwn
you really do
Not funny. Try staying away from making animations that look like powerpoints. It didn't look like you put a lot of time into this video.
Bad, sorry
Not funny, bad quality animation and seems very pointless. The text is very pixelated and the whole Flash seems overdone. The filesize is way to big for something like this. The only that was good was the music.