Very bad stick figures.
You used a random Mario64 remix from the audio portal for your DBZ parody, which is just stick figures, poorly drawn stick figures, and you kept the view within a small square area, leaving loads of white space.
Well, the animation in this one is much smoother. Still a loop, and no preloader though. I'm working on that. This submission reaches a little past 1600 frames, at 20 frames/ second. I forgot to give my last submission the base title of DBX. That's what this series is called. Anyways, besides the minor problems, hope you enjoy!
Very bad stick figures.
You used a random Mario64 remix from the audio portal for your DBZ parody, which is just stick figures, poorly drawn stick figures, and you kept the view within a small square area, leaving loads of white space.
Have you ever noticed that in most epic anime battles, the people fighting keep on changing their power level (or hair length) over and over until they are either too cool looking to actually fight soon, start an annoying monolouge about how powerful they are, or they trip on their own hair (not really lol).
I'm talking about this because your flash just made me realize this pattern that I've seen not only in DBZ but elsewhere (I just don't remember where). Anyways nice flash, good DBZ style stuff (despite it being stick figures).
Thank you Galazor, and Sparkwattclock! It's nice to know that you guys like my animations!
This movie was good like your first
Dude keep it coming! These flashes are good, before you know it you'll be one of the most popular on newgrounds!