Ok i guess (first summary was ok)
Yeah he did borrow my audio and I was fine with that. Anyways yeah it was ok but you might want to use something else other than the balls to put in the corner.
*Made In Macromedia Flash 8*
*High quality can be kept on*
*Must have flash player 9 to view*
*Can have sound but not required*
Anyways, this is a tutorial for buttons and actionscript.
WoOt This passed judgment! SwEeT!
I asked audiomaster if i could use his song in my flash, thats why it says audiomaster in audio he should be submitting the audio any minute now.
Ok i guess (first summary was ok)
Yeah he did borrow my audio and I was fine with that. Anyways yeah it was ok but you might want to use something else other than the balls to put in the corner.
K maybe i'll do that.
who on earth wouldnt know how to make a button!?!? And its better if you do on (press) for button itherwise you have to click and relese before it does stuff, and u dont need a new scene for it. Also, all the buttons look really wiered. Make them in fireworks or use the circle or rectangle toool and use textbox to add text so it looks better. I suppose its ok to begginers who just got flash yesterday though, although if i didnt know how to make a button, I wouldn't know how to do things cause its really hard to follow, try usind screenshots or screen captures rather than pictures you drew.
Idiots don't know how to make a button.
Not so good
You made it hard to find which button to press. And it loaded so slowly that i couldn't sit through the whole thing.
It was ok
Like the other guy says, it WILL teach a COMPLETE AND TOTAL beginner how to make an extremely simple button with an extremely simple action. You explained it well enough that in the sense that this is a tutorial, it WORKS. Although, you decided not to go that extra step and actually make it a bit decent. If you make your tutorials lazily and without any effort / detail, nobody would actually finish the tutorial, with the thought in mind that "with that type of presentation, i can't possibly learn anything from this guy." So next time, not only should you educate, but set a good example for yourself, by adding more color, a PRELOADER (people should not have to wait for a flash to load without notice. If there is no preloader, most people would assume that there is no need, when in fact there is.) and perhaps a better button example. The circle wasn't something i think anybody would use very often. In a whole, it was a pretty good job of a tutorial, just without the SHAZAAM that would have made it more impressive. Oh and also, when you cover such little area of flash, you should have merged this with several other tutorials of the same size. It was much too short, even though it covered the entire subject.
Ok then
Serves it purpose well...
But theres definately some room for improvement. Obviously, the main purpose is to educate and teach beginners to Flash the basics for making their own and in that respect, it works. However the graphics were pretty poor and the sound loop got a little too repetitive too quickly. A pre-loader would've helped too. But likesay, the information itself was correct and I guess thats the main thing.
Good luck with your next project!